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Fall 2021 State of The Market Report

Fall 2021 State of The Market Report

Roughly 18 months have passed since the pandemic took hold in America, and just over one year since the migration explosion became clear in real estate markets. Something we have been saying throughout the frenzied activity is that the pandemic has essentially accelerated what we had been seeing in terms of migration and buying patterns. For quite some time, people have been drawn to having more space and access to the outdoors and the pandemic has no doubt increased this trend.

Predicting the future is clearly difficult, and with so many external variables at play, it is not something that we can expect to do with any certainty. It is our goal to outline some of the ongoing factors we are watching to offer insight into potential market movement.

It is our goal to provide you with the most current information available to keep you “in the know” of housing trends. This report and our newsletters help summarize the data that we are tracking on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis. Even the most current data is usually a lagging indicator and represents past data. Where our experience as the top producing group in Bend can provide added value is by sharing with you what we are seeing every day on the ground with buyers and sellers. This is where our experience and a personalized approach are essential to creating a plan that allows you to achieve your real estate goals.

Real estate decisions are some of the most difficult and financially impactful moments in our clients’ lives. We are acutely aware of our responsibility and we look forward to serving them, and you, with knowledge, experience and integrity.

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