As Real Estate Brokers, our job ( and passion ) is staying on top of the latest market data and helping inform you, our clients, so you can make educated real estate purchasing decisions.
Did You Know?
The median home price in Bend as of November 2015 is: $341,000
The average number of days a home is on the market in Bend as of November 2015 is: 88 days
The median sales price per square foot is: $177/sq ft.
*Source: November 2015 Beacon Report
Want to learn even more about the state of the market, check out our latest market update video.
We want to know: How does knowing the facts inform your home buying decisions? Do these numbers impact you?
If you’d like to have a copy of the full Beacon Report or would to discuss the state of the market with one of us, please contact us here on our website or call the office: 541-633-4569